Monday, February 28, 2011

If only I COULD be abducted by aliens!

SocialMom's put the question out there, and here I am trying to answer it: What are the top ten things you think your kids would miss most about you if you were abducted by aliens/Martians?

I thought about this for a while, before doubling checking the answers I had, with the answers my kids had. It seems, I had it ALL wrong, despite my efforts to be realistic about what they would miss most. For the sake of my sanity- I'll post my list first.

I really thought my kids would miss my cooking. However, it turns out that they really would prefer fast food over my special meals- and desert from Dairy Queen ranks much higher than my ever changing in search of the perfect recipe chocolate chip cookies.

Number two on my list of ten I was positive was a "sure thing"... yet somehow the kids don't quite understand my humor: "Go clean your room, before that pile of clothes comes to life and devours the XBox in your sleep" did not get any rewards for funniest comment ever.

Maybe the first two were duds, but there was hope that my love of a good deal would certainly be the ticket to what the kids would miss. The oldest child, a girl was *okay* with the piles of coupons we sort through every week, but neither of the boys were even remotely delighted by endless shopping trips regardless of how much money I saved.

Other "failures" on my list included: Relentless double checking of homework, successfully completing the countdown until the school bus arrives without too many tardy mornings, my great ability to delegate house chores, being able to give the boys the perfect buzz cut each summer, and spotting a "fib" on demand.

Clearly, it's a good thing I didn't put "predicting my kids response to silly questions" as one of my answers, because their top ten things aren't even close to what I had hoped for.

Their list:
1. That I let them play the Xbox so often.
2. I'm "pretty nice" most of the time.
3. That I can doodle pretty good.
4. Getting to laugh about how awful I am at certain Wii games.
5. My ability to convince their dad to do things.
6. How sometimes, I will just walk past their room and shut the door rather than make them clean it.
7. I'm "one of the few adults that know how to use the internet right"- I should mention I happen to play A LOT of games online.
8. That I insist they are smarter than everyone else.
9. That I am not always the most "adult like" person they know. (Think maturity level)

10. And, most of all they'd miss... well to be honest not one of them could think of a 10th thing to miss. Instead the conversation drifted into talking about how great I MUST be because I gave birth to THEM. And from there, they started talking about just how great THEY are.... I finally gave up and left the room, retreating back into my office and hoping that maybe, one day I WILL be abducted... and perhaps then they could see the awesomeness of MY list over theirs.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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