Product Reviews/Giveaways
Deals & Drivel does not charge for reviews if product samples are provided. Reviews will be honest opinions of the blog authors on the product sample. Because we can not promise that every review will be positive, whenever an agreement to review a product is accepted, we will test/try the product, write the review and then send it first to the company for approval prior to posting. If for some reason the company declines posting the review, it will be discarded.
Deals and Drivel also accepts products/samples/coupons and special discounts for reader giveaways.
There is no charge for hosting giveaways if product samples are provided for review/giveaways. It is the giveaway sponsor’s responsibility to ship the prize directly to the winner. This saves time, money, and having to ship the prize all over (which also helps save on valuable resources!)
Please let us know the following so that we can meet your giveaway expectations!
1. Number of winners requested.You can count on the following to occur for your review and giveaway:
2. Residency/Age restrictions.
3. Length of giveaway.
4. Links to your site, and any other sub site you would like to share (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc)
5. Provide information regarding any requirements or guidelines of the giveway.
• We will email you once we receive your product and work quickly to review your product/service. Please be aware that we like to be honest about our experiences, so some products/services may take longer to review than others. All product reviews are done in a timely manner. If you have an expectation of how soon you would like to have your product/service reviewed, please be sure to mention this upfront and prior to sending your product. If there will be any delay in posting your review for whatever reason, we will contact you. We will remain in contact with you so as to keep you updated on where we are at and what is going on. Feel free to email us if you have any questions or concerns. If you want a preview of the review prior to it being posted, please mention this on your initial contact. Should we have a negative experience with your product, we will hold our review, contact you, and work with you to resolve the situation.
• A complete product review ie: how long we used the product, results, pros and cons of the product, normal resale value, etc.
• The initial product review will be posted on our main page, will have a direct link to its own page, and be included in our Reviews Category.
• Choosing to host a giveaway will enable you to get a custom ad link to your site for the entire length of the giveaway, as well as an introduction post to the giveaway and reminder posts throughout the duration of the giveaway. These posts will also be shared on our Facebook page.
• Again, please note that it is your responsibility to send the giveaway prize to the selected winner. We will forward you all required contact information as requested within a timely manner following the giveaway so that the prize(s) can be sent accordingly.
Whether you are a company, PR firm, or fellow blogger, we are very willing to work with you to meet your advertising needs!
Some possibilites include:
- 125x125 Button Advertisement
- Text Links and/or advertisements under our “Resources” section
- Paid posts
- Link/button exchange
*Note: For all Button/Picture Advertisements, please submit a link. Sorry, but we are unable host your images on our site. You can use a photo hosting site such as Photobucket, Flickr or your own website.
If you are looking for something not listed above, let us know! We would love to work with you!
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss a product review and giveaway, advertising package, event, etc., please via email.
Disclosure Policy:
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by Laura, and guest blog authors.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products.The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
To get your own policy, go to